Molecular nanoelectronics - the challenge for Si-based nanoelectronics? (Fraunhofer CNT Kolloquium)

guest talk
Hosted by: Fraunhofer Center Nanoelectronic Technology CNT in Dresden
Feb. 18, 2008

Progress in nanofabrication and scanning probe microscopy has triggered intensive academic research efforts into the preparation, characterization and modeling of "molecular junctions", truly nanoscale devices where charge (and eventually net spin) currents could be injected into unimolecular electrical bridges. This emerging research field is shared by several �gtraditional�h disciplines, Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science and even Biology due to, on one hand, the great need of exchanging cross�]disciplinary know�]how but also, on the other hand, because of fascinating common challenges. The latter are basically related to the search for novel strategies towards nanofabrication (such as self�]assembly or biomimetic processes) and, as a consequence of that, to the possibility of controlling states of matter in the extreme limit of maximal electron confinement where quantum effects and new phenomena might arise already at room temperature. In this talk, I will shortly review the state�]of�]the�]art of molecular nanoelectronics and illustrate related current and planned activities at the Chair �gMaterials Science and Nanotechnology�h of the Dresden University of Technology.


Molecular nanoelectronics - the challenge for Si-based nanoelectronics? (Fraunhofer CNT Kolloquium)

guest talk
Hosted by: Fraunhofer Center Nanoelectronic Technology CNT in Dresden
Feb. 18, 2008

Progress in nanofabrication and scanning probe microscopy has triggered intensive academic research efforts into the preparation, characterization and modeling of "molecular junctions", truly nanoscale devices where charge (and eventually net spin) currents could be injected into unimolecular electrical bridges. This emerging research field is shared by several �gtraditional�h disciplines, Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science and even Biology due to, on one hand, the great need of exchanging cross�]disciplinary know�]how but also, on the other hand, because of fascinating common challenges. The latter are basically related to the search for novel strategies towards nanofabrication (such as self�]assembly or biomimetic processes) and, as a consequence of that, to the possibility of controlling states of matter in the extreme limit of maximal electron confinement where quantum effects and new phenomena might arise already at room temperature. In this talk, I will shortly review the state�]of�]the�]art of molecular nanoelectronics and illustrate related current and planned activities at the Chair �gMaterials Science and Nanotechnology�h of the Dresden University of Technology.
