Sonder nanoSeminar: Eye catching science
Ignacio Gonzales Martinze, Daijiro Nozaki, Andrea Benassi and Daniil Karnaushenko
IfWW, PMN, TU Dresden

Sept. 9, 2015, 11 a.m.

An introduction to spice up scientific presentations of all kinds. Ignacio Gonzalez-Martinez with a talk on: Graphically enhanced Science, Diajiro Nozaki with: Raytracing Science, Andrea Benassi with: Adobe Illustrator for eye catching scientific drawing, followed by Daniil Karnaushenko with his tips on: Artrendering science 3D visual effect. See you there!

Sonder nanoSeminar: Eye catching science
Ignacio Gonzales Martinze, Daijiro Nozaki, Andrea Benassi and Daniil Karnaushenko
IfWW, PMN, TU Dresden

Sept. 9, 2015, 11 a.m.

An introduction to spice up scientific presentations of all kinds. Ignacio Gonzalez-Martinez with a talk on: Graphically enhanced Science, Diajiro Nozaki with: Raytracing Science, Andrea Benassi with: Adobe Illustrator for eye catching scientific drawing, followed by Daniil Karnaushenko with his tips on: Artrendering science 3D visual effect. See you there!
